Friday, January 4, 2008

School Board Election

Well, it is that time of year again... local elections. I must say I was surprised that no one is challenging the incumbents for City Council. The only benefit to that is for once the school board election will not take second place to the Council.

So readers, what are the qualities you are looking for in a School Board Member? What criteria will you use to determine who to vote for in this election or do you think it is already a "done deal" with the incumbents getting re-elected?

I think there are a couple of interesting candidates to investigate this time around. I am looking for someone who is most concerned with providing a quality education (not doing things as cheaply as possible). I want a person who is willing to make the tough choices, to have the courage to do what is right, not someone who plays politics and is swayed by every small but loud group. I will not be voting for someone who believes we need to continue to have 16 elementary schools as I believe that is fiscally irresponsible. I want someone who has a command of the issues facing the district and who can accurately communicate those issues to the public. I want someone who is straightforward and doesn't put a biased "spin" on what they observe, changing the facts to put the district or administration in a bad light. I want someone who will give clear and specific answers to questions like: How many and which schools do you think should be closed? I will not accept an answer of "I will have to study the issue" because after 10 years of study it is time to act and if you are running for the board, you should have a handle on such issues by now --- this issue has been front and center for the last year.

Accuracy is very important to me, I don't think a candidate should make statements that are inaccurate in an effort to try and "set themselves apart" from the rest of the candidates. Case in point this is an excerpt from one candidate's blog (the inaccurate statement is in bold):

Michelle Monte For School Board
We must protect our neighborhoods and not bus kids to mega schools.We must have complete, open, and honest communication.We must meet the needs of our most challenged students to meet the needs of all our students.I am the only candidate with personal and current experience with special education, the fastest growing group in our schools.We need reasonable changes that raise achievement without bankrupting citizens.

The FACT is candidate Kevin Janke has a child in a special education program in one of our district schools so I would call him a "candidate with personal and current experience with special education". In the Northwestern article Mr. Janke referenced his interest in special education, I would think a candidate concerned with accuracy would have changed the inaccurate message, maybe the change is yet to come, time will tell.

Please share with readers (according to the reports I receive, I had over 50 visits to my site this week, even though I haven't had a new post in a month) what you are looking for in a candidate, or the types of questions you would like to see the candidates answer. What are the "burning issues" for you in this race?