Wednesday, October 13, 2010

School Board Meeting

WOW, my frustration level with so many of the comments at the board meeting tonight is extreme. Ill informed speakers, board members who do not listen, understand or even know their role!

I agree with the comments made by Dr. Lowenstein, once again the board refuses to listen to the voters who APPROVED a referendum to exceed the caps to do an additional $1.3M in building repairs. No courage by this board, very disappointing. Well if the boiler goes out at E Cook you can thank the majority of the board who voted against replacing the 55 YEAR old boilers, knowing that if they do go out the "emergency repair" will be significantly more expensive. Not to mention disruptive to the students' education since they would be displaced from their building for a minimum of 6 weeks.

A full 3 people spoke at the budget forum...lots of words, not a lot of sense. Where exactly were the people who spoke at those budget hearings in January asking the board to raise taxes to keep schools open, fix our buildings and not cut programs?

Very frustrating and disappointing evening. Not that too many seem to care.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Never Say Never

Well I said I was done blogging about the school district and now as is a woman's prerogative, I've changed my mind.

I must admit, I've become increasing cynical about this district and where it is headed. The last few weeks however I have seen some rays of hope.

The board members for the most part are interested in moving forward rather than rehashing the past. Generally board members treat each other with respect and seem willing to listen to each other. Time will tell...

I have attended the two board retreats that have been held thus far, one on finance and one on board governance. A lot of information was provided and while I'm impatient for discussion and decisions I am hopeful that will happen sooner rather than later.

I was also reserving judgement on whether the hiring of Dr. Viegut as superintendent was the right decision for the district.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Last night's board meeting was the last straw for me. After listening to incredibly eloquent students explain to the board what this will mean to them, with very little discussion the board unanimously dismissed the students' concerns and voted to cut 35 teachers. If each teacher teaches 5 classes that is potentially 175 fewer classes between the 2 high schools.

After following the school board for 12 1/2 years I shouldn't be surprised by this vote but I still can't believe the vote was unanimous, Schneider and Becker's votes didn't surprise me but Karen Bowen, and John Lemberger's vote did shock me, they work at a University, from their brief comments I guess they believe that it won't really end up being that may classes. I am deeply disappointed and just don't have it in me anymore to care what the board does next --- whatever it is, it won't be good. I am just biding my time till my youngest graduates (2 years) and then I can move out of this district.

I'll leave this post up for about a week then this blog will be gone. Thanks to those of you who have contributed civil comments.
