Wednesday, November 28, 2007

UPDATE on 4K Charter

I was able to speak to Mrs. Vickman after the School Board meeting tonight to find out what DPI's requirements were for the Charter Grant to be pursued. She told me DPI required that the charter school contain grades 4K through 5th grade because that is the current configuration of elementary schools in Oshkosh.

So to "create" a school that serves 4K - 5th grade, even if you only had one class per grade would cost $392,000 in staffing alone ($56,000 per teacher x 7 classes) the grant was for $150,000. NONE of the $150,000 could be used for staffing and presumably the 4K students would be "new" students for school funding purposes so the student count for the 4K students would cover one teacher which leaves the district to find $336000 to staff the other positions. Doesn't take a mathematician to see that the district would lose a lot of dollars with this scenario. Not to mention how is a school that serves grades 4K - 5th grade a 4K charter anymore, which is what the board had approved. Why the board needs a workshop to understand this is beyond me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy cow, Michelle Monte is backing off from her earlier accusations against Supt. Heilmann. In doing so she's using information Mrs. Thiel has said all along, but instead of being able to admit she was wrong and Thiel was right, she claims to have rendered her opinion based on information from an "unverified source."

I guess we're supposed to feel good knowing Mrs. Monte has finally been able to give a thumbs up to the administration for one of its decisions. While I'm sure we're all delighted to see Mrs. Monte eating some crow so soon after Thanksgiving, there's a few problems with what she's posted.

First, as already said, she can't give credit where credit is due when it involves someone she views as a nemesis. Next, she's basing her revised opinion on a so-called "unverified source." That's never a smart thing to do. Personally I would want a school board member, should she ever make it that far, to base their decisions on that which can be verified, not be willy nilly in their approach. Finally, and this may be the biggest problem of all, but hopefully one that she's learned a lesson from. Before opening mouth and inserting foot or sitting down at the 'puter to attack someone's job performance and reputation, ask questions and get answers. Don't throw out innuendo just to get a rise out of some people while painting others in a bad light.

If she can start behaving like a changed woman I may buy her newfound appreciation for the super. My bet is this is just another example of chameleon-like behavior from a woman desperate to get support from anyone she can. It can't last.