Monday, September 3, 2007

Just wondering

I've put off posting for awhile because I've been so frustrated, I've refrained from posting on the OshKonversation for awhile but couldn't stay away for long. I just can't really figure out why I keep bothering. I can't seem to stop operating under the misguided notion that people want the facts --- they don't! A poster says Smith's enrollment is increasing because a family with children moved in down the street. Well the WINNS data from DPI shows that the only significant increase in enrollment at Smith is due to Pre-K programs being put there. In the 2000-2001 school year there were 265 K-5 students last year (2006-2007) there were 181 K-5 students... how is that increasing enrollment? The response on OshKonversation? I was asked why I didn't send my children to Traeger when Jefferson was in disrepair? I had several reasons the primary one being Traeger did not/ does not have the diversity in its student body that Jefferson does, that diversity was very important to me as a mother. It is important to me that my children experience children of other cultures and economic situations so they understand that "everyone is not like them" which is not just OK but a good thing! Not that the posters really care about the answers to any of the questions they post, they just use it as another reason to bash someone. The question I keep coming back to is WHY do I keep posting???? Anyone out there have an answer???

One more irritation today --- I was perusing the blog of a former school board candidate and she had posted some questions on the state budget stalemate, the first one just had me shaking my head... it asked the governor (who has ties to education - she posts) why the education funds are being held up? Budgeting/State Government 101 --- The governor can only provide a budget to the legislature (which he did many months ago ---probably in April) then he must WAIT for a budget to be passed by BOTH houses (Senate and Assembly) this has NOT happened and the governor has no power to make it happen so why ask the governor why the hold up when HE is NOT the one holding it up!! I know I'm sure I misunderstood something ... just drives me crazy that people don't even get the basic functioning of our government.

I'm waiting for the Sept. 12th Board meeting to see if there is more delaying, yet another boundary option or if they will actually make a decison. I predict either more delays or they move the poor kids whose parents won't complain. Hope I'm wrong on both counts.


Anonymous said...

Teresa, this is the first time I have read your blog. I find it interesting. Of course the BOE will move the poor kids. Even as a Town of Algoma resident I am embarrassed by my neighbors' elitist attitudes when it comes to schools. This is just another way to drive a wedge between the “haves” and the “have nots” no matter how much some of us do to help.

Teresa Thiel said...

Anonymous 7:13am, I hope we are both wrong and the majority of the board has the strenght to do what is right, not what is easy. In the end the resilient will survive and society will spend money in other places for those who are not as resilient...

Anonymous said...

Officially, Doyle cannot do much with the budget. However, there is nothing that says he cannot give his party a kick in the butt to stop holding different things hostage. Politics isn't just what the job description for the position states. It is give and take, one hand washing the other. It seems the Democrats, Republicans, and the Governor have no interest in coming to an equitable decision. They seem to only be interested in their own wants.

As for why you keep posting, I wonder too. It would seem the internet is just not worth it. Too many people with an agenda and no one really listening.

Anonymous said...

I see Mrs. Monte is still acting like she's running for office. Her comments over on OshKonversation toward people she doesn't like are snotty and indignant, much like her true personality. But if she thinks she can grab a vote or two from you, she'll suck up to you so badly you'll think she's sucking the life right out of you (and probably will if you let her). This woman can't curb her nasty tongue for a minute.

Anonymous said...

Oh really? And it appears that you are so much better with those you don't like.

Seems like the pot calling the kettle black...

Anonymous said...

Someone comments on Mrs. Monte's breath and that isn't nasty? Mrs. Monte corrects/adds to Mrs. Thiel's comments and that is? I guess we know where the diversity in Jefferson comes from: black kettles.

As if Mrs. Thiel's ire over Mrs. Monte wasn't as completely obvious as her bias against her. I noticed Mrs. Monte doesn't waste her time barking about Mrs. Thiel on her blog. Too bad Mrs. Thiel cannot take the higher road as well.

Anonymous said...

NO Mrs. Monte does her "barking" on OshKonversation -- you know the blog that actually has people posting to it...

Anonymous said...

Don't kid yourself, 7:45. Monte doesn't even have people posting on her own blog. So where can she find the greatest audience for her musings? On the ONW's blog. It's all about finding the greatest audience and seeking out future votes.

P.S. I love my black kettle. It makes the best tea in the world.

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Anonymous said...

Michelle Monte signs her posts with "Expect the Worst, find the worst. Hope for the best, find a reason to smile."

In her case, both expectations are fulfilled. We have come to expect sarcasm, nastiness, and half truths from her; we get them. That's the worst. On the other hand, for those who hope for the best, or at least something positive, we get the laughable. But still, she makes us smile. Thanks for the giggles Michelle Monte and for always living up to the joke you are.

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