Sunday, September 23, 2007

More on High School Boundaries

There was an interesting "Commentary" in the Northwestern from a former Oshkosh student who attended both West and North high you can read it here. She makes some good points and maybe it is worth a second look. I think it is better than the "lottery" idea I read somewhere. I still think the "High School Attendance by Mother's Birthday is better mostly just based on opportunities for students. Unless you have two of every club at the "split" schools, you will decrease students' opportunities. I also wonder what will happen to 8th graders from the North side who need to take Freshman level courses... will it be feasible to bus them to West High? The split high school raises some issues but should it have been dismissed as quickly as it was?


Anonymous said...

I see Michelle Monte has decided to turn her blog into a local National Enquirer. Rumor, gossip, innuendo, and uncorroborated "facts" are her specials of the day.

Instead of sticking to issues and the facts, she's rather revel in mudslinging and rumor-mongering. I have heard from several people since Monte started saying only Traska, Becker and Schneider contributed to the retreat, that she is nothing but a bald-faced liar and that all board members took an active role in the discussions. That contrasts with the lying Michelle Monte. Also, Amy Weinsheim's child was extremely well behaved. In fact, you hardly knew she was there most of the time, again, contrary to Michelle "The Great Liar" Monte.

Perhaps Monte was getting Weinsheim's child confused with her own. I understand they are rowdy and misbehave. Some of their neighborhood kids have told their parents they don't even want to play with Monte's children because they're so mean and nasty. I guess it's true that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Isn't it interesting how Monte says on one blog how people should work together as a community and debate issues, not personalities, but then posts nothing but B.S. like she has on her own blog? She is, without a doubt, the very definition of "hypocrite."

She has outright lied about Karen Bowen wandering through central offices during the retreat, and even claims someone else saw it. More B.S. from the "queen of crap." Are we to presume that Monte and her other "source" were following Karen Bowen around in the administration building? If so, and if what they've said about Bowen is true, how are they any better? And by Monte's own admission she was in and out of the "retreat room." What was she doing roaming around the building? It's okay for her and her "source" to leave the room, but not anyone else? Shall we make the same kinds of accusations about her?

But hey, whilst the "roving reporter" was out of the room, maybe she missed the work Bowen, Weinsheim, Kavanaugh, and McDermott were doing on coming up with a plan.

And another thing, first she says four board members contributed nothing, but then she says once Amy Weinsheim's daughter got picked up Amy was able to "get down to work." Hmm, more contradictions from "Story-a-Minute Monte." I have it from several people who were there at various times during the day that, as has been mentioned before, all board members contributed.

This is just more of the typical crap we've come to expect from Michelle Monte. She's desperate to serve on the school board and thinks if she can paint her opposition in the worst possible light it will get her enough votes to eventually win. Not a chance in hell of that happening. Too many people know what she stands for (you only have to read her crap or listen to her once or twice to figure that one out) and know that she is not what this district needs.

I'm sure this will be met by Monte and her small contingent of bloggers (probably also named Monte) with accusations of people attacking her and her children. Boo hoo!! Her style is and always has been to start a word war, then shake her head in bewilderment about why people get defensive with her. She likes to appear as a professional victim, when in reality she's a professional liar and hypocrite. I advise her to spend less time on the computer and more time at her church, ideally in the confessional. She has much to do pennance for.

Teresa Thiel said...

I was not at the Board "Retreat" when they were working on scenarios so I can not say for certain what went on, but given Mrs. Monte's repeated misrepresentation of something Mrs. Bowen said while I was there, leads me to believe anonymous is more on point than Mrs. Monte. She completely misrepresented Mrs. Bowen's comments, I explained to her on OshKonversation where she was mistaken and she proceeds to a day later write the same misinformation on her blog. Leads me to believe she knowingly lies about certain board members behavior and comments.

My conversations with board members tells me everyone participated in developing the two plans that were presented (again I was told these plans were presented to the full BOD by Mrs. Muza and Ms. Haines not by the so-called authors of the plan).

For the record I was there when the supposed comments were made and Mrs. Bowen did NOT say asking for volunteers was social engineering! She said asking 4th graders to decide what High School Academy they wanted to attend in 4th grade with no chance of switching was much like German and Japan --- social engineering. Referring to the fact that these countries "track" children by 6th grade "sorting" them into "college track" or "working track" (which one could argue is one reason those countries out perform the US on international tests. If the US only allowed their best and brightest to take those tests what would the results show? Is that the path Mrs. Monte wants to take? That sounds a lot more like social engineering than simply taking 100 kids already on a bus and sending them to a high school that is less than 5 miles away vs. the over 12 miles the Lakeside students would have to travel to North.

I can corroborate what Anonymous has said about Mrs. Weinsheim's daughter she was extremly well behaved and certainly did not prevent Mrs. Weinsheim from listening and commenting. She did not disturb anyone, except maybe those who don't like children.

Teresa Thiel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Yes I agree she lacks understanding and common-sense. Seems to be a Monte trait.

Speaking of Monte, Kent is becoming as scandalous and sensationalistic as his wife's blog. He's running a poll (or is it a pool...he calls it both so I don't know what it is) asking who'll be the first to go under a new city manager. First he tells people on his blog we should be respectful because these people are doing their jobs in the public, blah, blah, bah, then he puts out a stupid poll like that. The hypocrisy and intellectual shortcomings run rampant in that household.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that no interim city manager is going to fire anyone and people are idiots if they think they will. If that is one of the criteria this council plans to use in their hiring process, they'll be searching for an interim manager for a very long time, probably indefinitely.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone else seen Michelle Monte's latest proposal for solving overcrowding? Honest to God, the way this woman and her husband continually present plans as if they are the "gold-plated" solutions for the school district and city, they must think they are the smartest people on earth. Dozens of people have been involved in this school disrict process for a year or better and Monte comes along with a solution practically oernight that she claims solves the problem and costs little to nothing monetarily and amongst the public at large.

What's next for this woman: the Office of the President of the United States; perhaps ambassador to some 3rd world nation. Surely with her vast knowledge and abilities that are far greater than those of others in the human race she could do greater good elsewhere. Her talents are being wasted here. If she put her mind to it she'd probably win herself a Nobel Peace Prize to add to the dozens of other accolades she must have received in her lifetime. What a gem.