Saturday, January 3, 2009

School Board Election

The previous thread has way too many posts and very little discussion. One of the last posts I am moving here. I found it just a little interesting that the "announcement" would end up on MY blog rather than the candidate's.

Here is the post:

Anonymous said...
A friend forwarded this email to me. All I can say is not again.

Good Morning,

Kent and I have weighed the pros and cons of one more run at the BOE. Due to health concerns, I was hesitant to consider a campaign as I do not feel I can give it everything I have in the past. I am not able to do door to door and put up signs primarily. Kent is not able to help as he has to travel to Virginia with his job. Not to mention we have four children.

After much discussion and giving consideration to our school district's current situation, I have decided that it would be a bigger crime not to run. With your help, I can run a great campaign. I believe that there is a better way to address our district's challenges and with common sense budgeting and conservative approaches, we can turn this school district around and take care of our schools.

I am asking for your help. I need to collect 100-200 signatures by the end of the month. I would appreciate if you could take 2-3 sheets and fill at least 1-2. Let me know if you can take nomination papers and I will drop them off for you by the end of this week.

Also, if you could help with my campaign, let me know what you would like to do.

Thanks much and Merry Christmas.

Michelle Monte

Saturday, January 3, 2009 3:44:00 PM CST

It still remains to be seen whether there will be enough candidates to require a primary.

I just hope at least a few of the candidates will have specifics on EXACTLY what they would do differently... saying one will not raise taxes just isn't enough for me. If you won't levy to the limit, then where will you cut/save to balance the budget? If you are going to put $3M in the operating budget to repair our buildings where will those dollars come from. Stop hinting around... if your plan is to offer the unions 2% packages say that, if you plan to increase class sizes say so, I'm tired of people campaigning by having great sound bites but NO substance. Of course they don't want to offend any voters so I'm sure for most their "plans" will be very short on details. Why voters tolerate that is beyond me. I'm just hoping I'll be able to find 3 candidates to vote for.

Once Tues comes we should know who the candidates are. I hope we can have a REAL discussion of the issues the district faces and the "plan" each candidate comes with.


Anonymous said...

Good God, the woman writes several sentences about why she can't give it her all or get the signatures necessary, even to the point where she asks others to get them for her. But at the same time she's telling us she's running and thinks it would be a crime for her not to. Here's the biggest crime of all: The woman can't do what's necessary to get her name on the ballot. How the hell is she going to do the work necessary during the course of a three year term, should enough people be stupid enough to elect her?

P.S. Does she think she's being sneaky and clever by not announcing her plans to run on her web site? What a joke she is. And for what it's worth, if there's a primary I will vote for John Daggett just to take a vote away from Mrs. Monte.

Anonymous said...

Teresa said, "I'm tired of people campaigning by having great sound bites but NO substance. Of course they don't want to offend any voters so I'm sure for most their "plans" will be very short on details."

Kinda like the referendum proposal, huh? They sort of have the, "no substance, short on details" thing down pat.

Teresa Thiel said...

Anonymous 9:04:00 PM CST --

The referendum campaign has yet to begin, I'm sure all questions will be answered before election day in April.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. Why in the world does a candidate circulate an email like this saying she's going to run but not mention it on her own blog? Just one more way this candidate has shown she is filled with inconsistency and poor judgment. I question her ability to represent our district if she has this much going on in her life.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it would take much time or effort to do a better job than Traska or Kavanaugh.

Anonymous said...

How clever. Judging by what we've seen from her in the past, she would succeed at being worse.

Anonymous said...

Michelle Monte wrote: someone has taken the time to post an email I sent to several friends on a couple of other blogs to include the ONW's Oshkonversation that would certainly fulfill that assumption."

Based on what was written it looks like at least one of her friends isn't as keen on her as she might like to believe. Imagine that. So the cat's out of the bag and she still hasn't bothered to announce. She gets weirder and weirder every time she runs.

Anonymous said...


Can you please try to keep this blog about this issues and ask your posters to put the claws away?

Not Michelle Monte

Anonymous said...

A person's intent to run and reasons for that decision are part of issues. Lie it or leave it. But also keep in mind that the candidate herself and some of her supporters made an issues out of things about other candidates and sitting officials that were highly personal and very inappropriate. Now they have to be willing to accept the same kind of criticism.

Anonymous said...

Typo. Should have been "like".

Anonymous said...

A person's honest reasons for doing something or not doing something shouldn't be ridiculed. I appreciate the time it takes for Michelle to run, despite being a very active mother of 4.
These blogs have become too caustic.

Anonymous said...

Michele isn't caustic. Do you actually know her? Or do you just read material on her blog?

If you talk with her, she is a very nice person and frankly, I am impressed with her dedication to the district's issues and her willingness to take these issues on and solve problems the incumbents created.

I am glad she is running.

Anonymous said...

I'm also happy to hear that Michelle is challenging Traska and Kavanaugh. I am hoping for a change in the status quo whether it be Michelle or any other more conservative problem solver.

Anonymous said...

Nice? Better look that definition up in the dictionary. Dedication? Well other than being dedicated to running a perpetual campaign it's hard to know where her other "dedication" may be. Her positions clearly have changed frequently throughout her campaigns. She's up and down faster than a yoyo. Won't vote for anyone that wishy-washy.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said: "Michele isn't caustic. Do you actually know her? Or do you just read material on her blog?"

What an insane comment. She approves the material on her blogs so whether she's written it herself or approved it, it's a direct reflection on her personality and character. I don't need to know anything more about her than that.

Anonymous said...

12:02 must not actually know here or they'd know how to spell her Speaks loudly about their endorsement.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like these bloggers are afraid of Michelle, and they are defending the indefensible liberals that have run this district in the ground.

Good luck with that referendum (bailout out) Traska and Kavanaugh. I know the teacher's union will be working to get you elected.

I will vote for Michelle, at least she puts the interest of the kids first. The incumbents put more money into administrator pay raises that into our roofs. What does that say about their priorities? And given a temporary superintendent $ 800.00 per day paycheck is absurd.

Can't wait for the April election. Michelle has my vote!

Anonymous said...

She'll need it.

Anonymous said...

At least we have a few conservatives that will run to provide a counter position to this board of indecision. These incumbents have been the "leaders" on the board as they are on the "majority side" and hopefully, we will get some new faces on the board that will help balance. I think that is the key, more of a balance on the board as if we had more, perhaps we could get a more reasonable referendum on the ballot that more would support. In addition, a change in how they do business so we are not in this mess again. Remember, the district is having ANOTHER record year in terms of revenue, but again, IT AIN'T enough.

Here's hoping for a more responsible board after the next election! Our kids need it.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone read what Wayne Traska wrote in today's Oshkosh Daily Northwestern?

"We’re approaching the referendum, and I’d like to see that through, as well as thereafter.”

He will definitely need the teacher's union and the Northwestern slanted coverage to get elected. He wants to see "that" referendum through? $15,000,000 to build a new school in declining enrollment?
I can think of about 100 better ideas for $15,000,000 than to build a new school in an area NO ONE can walk to, in an area with few kids, in an area 100% of the children will need to be bussed to.
Heck, building on Monkey's island would be better than the Ryf road location. At least the kids could skate to the school when the ice is thick enough!

How will "things" change when we keep electing the same people?

Anonymous said...

You hit the nail on the head. The teachers union is the special interest group that needs to be defeated in this upcoming election.
The union is clearly slanted to do what they feel is in the best interest of the teacher..not the student, not the parent, not the taxpayer.
We need a board that mirrors the desire of the underserved group. Our children, we parents and all the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

Wayne Traska comment about the referendum and his support of is disappointing. I voted for him when he first ran as I thought he would take a balanced approach and be reasonable. To support a referendum to build a school in the middle of nowhere, in which 100% of the students need to be bussed to makes me saddened by the fact I voted for him.

I bet you Muza Sheet metal, the company he works for, doesn't run their business the way he runs the school board business.

Time for a change!

Anonymous said...

Taxpayers voting tip:

Whoever is supported by the teachers union...VOTE FOR ANYONE BUT THAT CANDIDATE!

Do yourself a favor and control how much you pay in property taxes. Anyone supported by the teachers union wants MORE of your TAX DOLLARS to pay even higher wages and benefits to the teachers.

Anonymous said...

8:16, under the QEO law wages and benefits must be increased by 3.8% annually so your trying to tie it to the election is in error and a moot point. Here's a better taxpayer tip: Don't vote for anyone who has a negative attitude. That will eliminate 3 candidates right out of the gate.

Mike Norton said...

Dear Theresa:

Do have the names and short background of all those running for school board??

Anonymous said...

This information is on the ONW website.

Anonymous said...

I don't like to see anyone lose a job, particularly in these difficult financial times; however, I applaud Kaukauna for making necessary cuts to make ends meet. It's called leadership and it's what we've been without for so many years. I believe that Dr. Lang will do the same if need be.

Anonymous said...

Interesting how Kaukauna is in the same predicament as Oshkosh. I wonder if they too have a record budget but need to cut a record amount?

In most households, if you have a record paycheck, you don't have problems. In schools, they do. HMMMMM.

Is it because if they receive a dollar they try to spend $1.10?

Plain and simple, our school board is just not equiped to handle this budget, their money skills stink, and they have no one to blame but themselves.

Amazingly, a past board member (back in Oct. I believe) warned this board of indescretion about their bad budget, 6 members supported (Thanks Dan Becker for not ...) AND a few weeks later, they have a $1.4 million deficit.

They cut maintenance to balance and the cycle starts all over. The election comes, people vote for these unqualified members, and the cycle of incompetance starts over.

Time for a change!

Anonymous said...

"The election comes, people vote for these unqualified members, and the cycle of incompetance starts over."

Your comment about "People" actually seems to be teachers union members, family and friends.

These people have a vested interest keeping the likes of a board at it's current make-up.

Where else but in the public sector union environment can you really your troups and vote for your boss...the guy who's going to give you the most support and biggest pay raise!

Never mind if they're qualified to do the job, they just have to be sympathetic to your cause.

It just might happen again this election.

Teresa Thiel said...

Here is the link to the Northwestern's candidate descriptions (common council and county executive also included).

Anonymous said...

Moved from Referendum Thread:

Anonymous said...

I would like your take on this. Many have been asking what will change if the two incumbents are re-elected as they have "been in charge" during their term.

What has been suggested, since the majority is comprised of the two incumbents as well as others, and they have their 4 votes to pass a budget, settle contracts (85% of the budget) and defer maintenance, what will change with their new term?

I would like your take on this. Thanks!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009 1:59:00 PM CST

Anonymous said...

Moved from Referendum thread:

Anonymous said...
A more appropriate question might be how badly will things deteriorate if the likes of a Ben Schneider or MIchelle Monte get elected? That's more frightening than the alternative.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009 5:12:00 PM

Teresa Thiel said...

Anonymous 5:12pm I would have to agree with you... the thought of Mrs. Monte or Mr. Schneider or both on the board would set our district back significantly.

As for your questions Anonymous 1:59pm

You assume that I believe things need to change. While I am frustrated that the board majority has not closed Green Meadow, Lakeside or Smith and is not discussing that, electing Mrs. Monte or Mr. Schneider would not change that since neither of them have ever stated they are in favor of closing these schools.

I agree with most of the decisions made by the board majority and it appears that Mr. Traska is willing to work with other board members to move the district forward, not just vote "no" offering no alternatives and in effect stagnating the district.

I don't believe that increasing class sizes is in the best interest of our students, I agree that investing in our youngest students is a wise use of our funds. I believe that since test scores continue to rise the board majority has done a good job.

I think some of the long range planning ideas proposed by Mrs. Monte make no sense and are fiscally irresponsible... like builing a K-8 Oakwood? Why would you even consider that when we already have 500+ EXCESS middle school seats?

I also have an issue with a candidate that continually makes incorrect statements then says anyone pointing out the mistake is "attacking her".

Example from Mrs. Monte's blog... she posted the following:

"I wonder if teachers know that they can negotiate their own contracts with the district outside the union, particularly since salary and benefits is confidential personnel information and cannot be shared with anyone?"

WHAT? Teachers' salary and benefit information is NOT confidential information. Salary and benefit information for every public school teacher in Wisconsin is available on the NW DataMine. As far as negotiating your own contract individually with the school board I've never heard of such a thing and doubt that is correct either.

She also posted this on her blog:

"The Datamine does not include additions to salary like coaching extracurriculars and summer school, so be careful how you use the information you find there."

That statement too is just plain WRONG... the salary listed on the Datamine is the entire amount paid to the employee INCLUDING any coaching, extracurriculars etc!

I don't want a board member who goes around telling people things that are wrong and when called on it blames the person pointing out her error rather than trying to be more accurate in the future. There is already enough misinformation in this district. WE don't need a board member perpetuating even more.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 5:12pm I would have to agree with you... the thought of Mrs. Monte or Mr. Schneider or both on the board would set our district back significantly.

Set our district back significantly?

Is our district moving forward now?

They have 5-6 members agree on the budget, the referendum, and we just found out that up to what, $3,000,000 need to be cut AFTER the board approves their HIGHEST BUDGET EVER a few months ago!
$ 117,000,000.

They are in charge and how are they going to move us forward?
By cutting teachers and raising classes. The same very people who have been ignoring labor costs NOW will have to deal with the problems THEIR votes created. I hope Becker doesn't support the bailout THEY NEED and THEY CREATED.

I'll be eagerly waiting and watching how they solve this problem they created.

I am guess they feel pretty stupid about now by supporting the following:

4.7% package raises 2 years ago!
$ 10,000 pay raises for administrators!
$ 100,000 fencing for tennis courts during the summer!
$ 40,000 to design a school on Ryf road!
90 sick days for teachers!
Guaranteed increases for non representated employees!
95% health insurance contribution for retirees!

Folks, cut and paste the above. Tell your friends and educate the voters on how the two incumbents (Traska and Kavanaugh) have royally messed up this district.

Also, while yer at it, tell your friends that "friends don't let friends vote for an incumbent!"

Anonymous said...

True leaders lead by doing, not just saying no. That's why naysayers will NEVER have my vote.

Anonymous said...

She's been elected for 2 months already and hasn't proven herself to be quite the bundle of knowledge she acted like she was. Can you say one-termer?